I get 'cross

My journal of cyclocross
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I don't reckon I can race the Peterborough Tour Series stage. I'm gutted I've been fighting this cold to make it to the opening round. Can you see how you can see the bone on my left foot but my right is swollen so much you can see it. Check out how the ankle just blends into my calf without shaping inwards. I can't get it in my shoe, the more I walk on it the more it get worse. Note how I also h

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I'm sick so not going to eat cake. Boo. But look at this! Got it from this site http://www.uglymely.com/2011/05/hot-cupcake.html

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Un Reem and Reem

Scarponi - pigeon helmet with your pigeon chest? Contador is boring but least he knows how to accessorise. Mighty SICK shoes

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I guess this post is me getting my excuses in early. But seriously. I'm flipping sick AGAIN. I had a week in Barca and I've come back sick. Couldn't finish the race at Palace on Tuesday so thats the 2nd race that I've DNF'd at and out of 3 races completed so far. I've finished 1! Sugars. Due to someone else not being able to make the Peterborough round of the Tour Series that means I've got to ride it. I'm not really ready for it. So I need to know as many cold and flu remedies as pos

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Talking to Victoria Pendleton (The actual chat)

So we do our intro's and then there is an awkward stubbling silence. No one wants to go first. So I jump in with a silly starter. Cycletta involves as Cycling Weekly Club Challenge. If there are 5 or more riders from your club they'll take the average ride time and the best time wins. So Miss Pendleton - if you could invite any celebrity in the world to enter you Cycling Weekly Club Challenge

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I spoke to Victoria Pendleton yesterday, (just my usual day....) Her Royal Trackness was bubbly as ever and fended off some serious questions from journalists at Road.cc and bloggers who view feminity, long hair, GQ/FHM photoshoots and heels on women cyclists with feminist contempt. So what was she talking about? Gatorade - No Track - No Olympic 2012 - No Sky Ride - Nearly but still No Hovis - No Oakley - No EDF energy - No A change of Sky skinsuit design - No Cycletta - Yes

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