By the way, I still haven't done any cycling. I did a 20 minutes run, when it wasn't raining, but then two days later I had this deep pain above my scupla and I decided it was probably not ideal to be doing the running so soon. I also can't find my cd rom of images from the MRI and X-Ray, because I want to look at them. Anyways, I'll find them. Whilst I have not been cycling I've been mooching about on the internet, playing Scrabble against my friend over that iPhone jobby. I have a

Focused Project
Sometime in early November, Florida photographer Chip Litherland will load five 35mm cameras with color film, carefully pack them into shipping cases, and mail them to five different photographers around the globe. Each photographer who receives a camera will be challenged to shoot just one picture before they have to ship the camera on to someone else. Assuming they aren’t lost in the ma
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